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Three Marriage Proposal Stories

Love Story

Three Proposal Stories:
As told by one of their friends

Shared by Elly

Dan had to propose two times to Barbara! The first time he proposed in a very romantic setting and Barbara said yes. But before they could definitely commit to each other for something as life-changing as marriage, she had to talk it over with her three school age sons first and Dan had to talk it over with his two teenage sons. All the children were in favor of joining their families.

Family and work responsibilities made for an extremely busy life style for both. Both Barbara and Dan had high pressure jobs that required the juggling of many balls. They grabbed time to see each other and keep their love growing. But before they knew it, months had gone by. Finally one morning, after Dan had spent the night (a rare occurrence because he never stayed over night when the boys were home), he proposed a second time.

This proposal was very different from the first. Just before he proposed, she saw him squeeze toothpaste from the middle of the tube. She said to herself, “No way can I live with a man who squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube.” Then just a minute later he proposed and she immediately forgot about toothpaste and said YES! Now they get toothpaste that is in a hard plastic container and doesn’t need to be squeezed. With a laugh, Barbara says that it has saved their marriage!


After winning a hard fought sailboat race together, Paul was so excited that he proposed right then and there to Dianne. She said yes, even though she had never done anything impulsive in her life. She just knew it was right and went with what was in her heart. They have been sailing and winning races ever since.


Christopher had to be courageous and brave when it came to proposing. Leanne and Christopher were young and in love. They spent a lot of time together sharing their dreams and values. Marriage was on their minds a lot but they only talked about it to each other in general terms. Why, when they shared so much else???

It was only later that they figured out why they danced around the topic of marriage. They were both actually scared because they took so seriously the commitment of marriage. It seemed so awesome.

One afternoon Leanne was cleaning out the bathtub and Christopher came in the bathroom and said, “I love you and you love me-let’s make a life together and get married”. Leanne instantly said yes and only then did they start really talking. They have been married now for over 30 years. But if it wasn’t for Christopher taking it one step farther than either had been willing to talk about, who knows if they would have gotten together and made the life they did together.

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