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Best Date Ever

Love Story

Best Date Ever

by Ben

I am a guy who struggles with confidence. I have a hard time socializing and never have anything clever to say. Everything that I tried to do with ladies
turned into a disaster and never seemed appreciated. I came to college not ever expecting to find the love or romance I dreamed of. I met a girl at
church who caught my eye. I figured I never had a chance with someone so beautiful, but began to talk to her anyway. I saw her at church and other
certain events and talked casually with her on most of those occasions, still not holding hope of being with her. I am normally nervous around girls
I like, but with her I never seemed to be. She invited me to do things and seemed to take a small interest in me. She invited me to go with her for spring
break. One song portrays my feelings perfectly at that time, by James Blunt “you’re beautiful”.

This is a very watered down story of how we began to date, but she became someone very special to me. I wanted to show her how special she was and
decided to set up a creative romantic date. Whenever we planned to go on this date, something seemed to come up to prevent us from going, which was
depressing at the time but ended up better in the end.

Finally the night had come, on which the moon happened to be full. One of the most beautiful
nights I had ever seen. I took her up to a lake above my town and we settled into an inlet on the shore. The moon shone down through a narrow peice in
the water that opened up to the reservoir. I set up a fire and set blankets down. I had fixings for roasting marshmallows and making smores. I also
baught some sparkling cider. We sat down next to the fire and looked accross the lake until it was dark enough to look at the stars, at which point I
pulled out a book of constellations. We picked out star formations, and I told her the stories of those contellations which I had studied before we
went on the date. The romantic myths were particularly great.

I then started some slow music on a lap top and we danced slowly on the beach. The sky was
perfect, and the lake was calm. After dancing, we cuddled up into the blankets and watched a romantic movie under the night sky.

This was the best
date I have ever been on and would recommend it for any guy. You can use it as your own, and I would love to hear about how it goes if you do. Email me
(my name is Ben by the way) at [email protected] Hope it works for you, it definitely did for me!

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